He vuelto! I'm back!
he estado demasiado tiempo sin escribir nada aquí. El descubrimiento de una copia pdf online del articulo de El Periodico me ha recordado de este blog.
I've not written here for a long time. The discovery of an online pdf copy of the El PEriodico article reminded me of this blog.
I've not written here for a long time. The discovery of an online pdf copy of the El PEriodico article reminded me of this blog.
Hooray. Now blog something interesting like you usually do. I've missed your blogging.
2:44 p. m.
Welcome back, Mister.
You NaNoing this year?
12:54 p. m.
Well, so much for being back - I do have good intentions, however.
Maria, I signed up for it and even started a blog (ha!), but I haven't written a word yet and it's almost the end of week 1 - I've just been so busy - I've been to a conference in Madrid, and am trying to catch up on work, etc. It seems I'm spending all my free time just catching up on what I need to do, so I have little time to do what I want to do.
How about you?
5:14 p. m.
I'm having a hard time finding motivation enough to just keep up my regular blog, let alone find time to write more than a thousand words a day for NaNo. Nah.
Stompy's started, and just reading him, it crossed my mind you might be involved this year.
Well, let us know how you get on, (IF you get on!).
11:44 p. m.
Tee hee.
Well, it's not how you start but how you finish. Anyway, if you even get started, that's good enough, you know you don't really have to finish by the 30th anyway.
Whatever happened to last year's attempt? Did you leave it festering in some drawer, or did you actually get it done eventually?
No, I'm too lazy to even contemplate the idea myself.
10:57 a. m.
oop, so I did.
My apologies, sir.
Well, good luck to both of you, anyway.
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