Letras mal entendidas / Misheard lyrics
Kiss This Guy es una web que recoge las letras mal entendidas de la gente y unas anecdotas sobre estas. Es muy divertido y ya hace much tiempo que visito esta web para reirme de vez en cuando.
Me recordó el sitio de web la semana pasada cuando estabamos cenando en la casa de nuestros
veterinarios (Gràcia veterinaris, los mejores) y una canción de Bonnie Tyler salío en la radio.
"It's a hard day...working on the highway" cantó mi pareja y de repente una canción romantica pastelada fue transformado en un hymno al trabajo manual.
¿Que cantabas? pregunté, y ella repitó su interpretación. Mu divertido si piensas las letras originales son "It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache".
Kiss This Guy is a website that collects misunderstodd lyrics from people and some anecdotes about them. It's a lot of fun and it's been some time now since I've visited this site for a laugh from time to time.
I remembered the website last week when we were having dinner with our vets (Gràcia veterinaris, the best) and a Bonnie Tyler song came on the radio.
"It's a hard day...working on the highway" sang my partner, and suddenly a cheesey romantic song was transformed into a hymn to manual labour.
What were you singing? I asked, and she repeated her interpretation. Very funny if you think the original lyrics are "It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache".
Me recordó el sitio de web la semana pasada cuando estabamos cenando en la casa de nuestros
veterinarios (Gràcia veterinaris, los mejores) y una canción de Bonnie Tyler salío en la radio.
"It's a hard day...working on the highway" cantó mi pareja y de repente una canción romantica pastelada fue transformado en un hymno al trabajo manual.
¿Que cantabas? pregunté, y ella repitó su interpretación. Mu divertido si piensas las letras originales son "It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache".
Kiss This Guy is a website that collects misunderstodd lyrics from people and some anecdotes about them. It's a lot of fun and it's been some time now since I've visited this site for a laugh from time to time.
I remembered the website last week when we were having dinner with our vets (Gràcia veterinaris, the best) and a Bonnie Tyler song came on the radio.
"It's a hard day...working on the highway" sang my partner, and suddenly a cheesey romantic song was transformed into a hymn to manual labour.
What were you singing? I asked, and she repeated her interpretation. Very funny if you think the original lyrics are "It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache".
"Heartache" y "Hard day" se parecen mucho, pero "Working on the highway" y "Nothing but a heartache"???
En los ochenta Morrissey cantó "Hang the DJ" y mi amigo cantó "I'm the DJ".
12:51 p. m.
Hi Graham.
Tiene gracia oír a mis amigos españoles cantando sus "versiones" de letras inglesas. Yo recuerdo el Get down on it de Kool and The Gang que aquí sonaba "qué Danone".
Por cierto, no me voy a Barna ESTE fin de semana. Me voy el 21 de Julio hasta el 26, y pensábamos Luc y una servidora quedar con gente el sábado día 23 somewhere. Sé de algunas personas que vendrían fijo si están libres, y mi amigo Ike de Tenerife,(otro enamorado de Barna como yo, que ha estado allí y tiene "contactos" que le leen), me ha dicho que va a anuciar algo en su página para convocar gente.
The more the merrier, I suppose.
Would be nice to meet you and my "paisana".
Ya veremos qué pasa.
10:10 p. m.
Graham, man,
I love reading your blog, however, I feel to improve your translation skills, it would be really good if you could translate others' comments into the converse language.
1:43 p. m.
tufty: give the guy a break!!!poor things's got enough work as it is translating his posts!!
11:48 p. m.
Yeah Tufty! Actually, it would be great to have the comments translated as well, but, as Maria said - it's time consuming enough to have to write in both languages, so it's not going to be a possibility, I'm afraid. You'll just have to sharpen up your Spanish, man!
12:09 a. m.
Maria, my error about the weekend - I misread Luc's email. I won't be around that Saturday in July - I'm off walking with Tufty - we're going to do the Grand Union canal (that's right isn't it, Tufty?) in a week. If you want to meet up one day before then, though, I'll be here.
9:15 a. m.
You are correct Sr Guiri, although I don't think we'll get it all in as it is quite deep in places and wading through water is always hard work.
11:45 p. m.
El guiri de Barcelona echa de menos leer al guiri feliz.
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