Flamenco en Nou Barris
Ayer fuimos a ver una actuación de flamenco en Nou Barris.
Yesterday we went to see flamenco in Nou Barris (a suburb of Barcelona).
Actuaba Carmen Linares (arriba) y fue especialmente buena. El sitio estaba al aire libre y el ambiente relajado. La actuación duró una hora y fue seguido por baile.
Ángeles Gabaldón bailaba y aunque la música no fue tan especialmente buena, la actuación de ella me gustó (abajo).
Carmen Linares (above) and was particularly good. The place was outdoors and the atmosphere relaxed. The performance lasted an hour and was followed by dance.
Ángeles Gabaldón danced and, although the music was not especially good, I liked her performance (above and below)
Yesterday we went to see flamenco in Nou Barris (a suburb of Barcelona).
Actuaba Carmen Linares (arriba) y fue especialmente buena. El sitio estaba al aire libre y el ambiente relajado. La actuación duró una hora y fue seguido por baile.
Ángeles Gabaldón bailaba y aunque la música no fue tan especialmente buena, la actuación de ella me gustó (abajo).
Carmen Linares (above) and was particularly good. The place was outdoors and the atmosphere relaxed. The performance lasted an hour and was followed by dance.
Ángeles Gabaldón danced and, although the music was not especially good, I liked her performance (above and below)
Ok, I'm no Flamenco fan myself but it does sound as if you had a good time which is the main thing.
By the way, I WOULD recommend another "guiri blog".
My friend Sonja has a blog called Sole
(she's one of my links). She's origianlly from Switzerland and lives here in Coruña. Some of her posts are in German.
Glad to see you're back. I've been discovering other guiris thanks to you.
12:27 a. m.
Ok, two more guiri blogs for you,(both on my links list), Kumori's blog hiperbalada. He's from just about everywhere, and is living in London now, writing in Spanish.
Then there's Woodsman, who's also a nice blend of this 'n' that and writes in English and/or Spanish depending on the moment. His blog is Cartas Desde el Bosque(with a great quoatation from Whitman).
And there are probably more, but can't think right now.
Will get back to you.
(Gonna hit the sack now)
3:29 p. m.
drisfrutaste??. a mi me encanta, y lo mejor es que esta sde moda fusionarlo con jazz, ese estilo de canciones me gustarí hacer , bueno y otro millon de cosas más...besitos
10:21 p. m.
Thanks MaRia. I think it's hard not to appreciate live music, any live music if it's performed well, by someone with passion and talent. It's always a pleasure to see such a performance. Thanks for your great recommendations of blogs - They are all great. I've added them to the list on the sidebar.
10:23 p. m.
Gracias por visitar la blog (el blog?) Caramel y Charito. Estoy de acuerdo que fusionar la música puede ser muy bonito - a mí me gustan las fusiones de música en general.
3:17 p. m.
EL blog.
11:02 a. m.
Segun Charita es LA blog... :)
Que pasa, no veo los autores de los comentarios...
Saludos desde Londres
11:03 a. m.
CharitO, perdon...
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